I am deeply moved by your book, really, as I approach the end I wish it would continue.  In addition to an enjoyable writing style, I find the learning about Judaism, Kabala, Hasidism wonderful..also, the connections to Moshe's spiritual roots help me to rethink the work, what more could I ask for???” 

Russell Delman

I very much enjoyed David Kaetz' presentation on the cultural context of Moshe's European years. His scholarly research offers valuable insights into the antecedents of Moshe's thinking, and I hope it will be seen by the entire Feldenkrais community.”  David Zemach-Bersin  

In my eyes this is the book that Moshe would have wanted to be written about him.”  Ruthy Alon

Feldenkrais practitioners may have come to understand Feldenkrais' explorations in the field of body and mind, find orientation in the clear logic of how the human structure balances and moves in the field of gravity, all passed on to us in the shape of hundreds of movement sequences, which form the basis for our and our students' learning.

But how do we understand his way of teaching, the chosen words, appearing often riddled or full of paradox? Are these things simply a reflection of the man's personality, or do we find a connection to Feldenkrais' formative years, to the world he grew up in? David Kaetz manages beautifully to interweave Hasidic teaching with the way Feldenkrais teaches, ancient wisdom shining through in his words and images.

The book is a joy to read, it's gripping, heart-warming and thought-provoking. In the short time it has been in my possession it has been influencing my way of thinking about the work I do; it has made me more 'thoughtful,' has made me look a bit less at the 'what' of my teaching, and a bit more at the 'how' I'm doing it.

And the image of the man Moshe Feldenkrais has expanded beyond the scientist, Judo master with a damaged knee to the human being Moshe Feldenkrais, who has finally been granted a tradition and a childhood, both of which are the backbone to his life.” 

An excerpt from Oxford practitioner Vreni Booth's review of the book, written for the newsletter of the UK Guild.


All content copyright © 2009 D. Kaetz. Web design copyright © 2009 www.fidlweb.com

Making Connections